MDX - better control over generated HTML, embedded JSX, compound documents

MDX is a natural markdown extension: works seamlessly with React, arbitrary React components could be easily embedded, complex document composition becomes possible.

Redefine standard elements

Normally, markdown is compiled to HTML. Appearance of HTML tags could be customized through Javascript and CSS, with usual drawbacks inherent to pure, non-componentized Javascript. In the React world, transformation to React components is a natural step forward. Tags in MDX could be easily redefined, and thus very complex, dynamic behavior could be easily achieved. For example, any text/code editor or even complex online IDE component could be used to render markdown code blocks. As another example, a custom link component, smartly prefetching site pages, could be used instead of ordinary hyperlinks.

A snippet to redefine common markdown tags

// an Mdx component redefining common tags
export const components = {
    code: Code,
    a: Link

export default function MDX(props){
    const {children} = props;

    return (
    <MDXProvider components={components}>

Embedded components

Thanks to MDX, arbitrary JSX components could be easily embedded in markdown. Which could be used, for example, to illustrate an article with charts or to split and format text. Consider how little markup is needed to organize any text into separate tabs:

A snippet of markdown to put selected chunks of text to separate tabs

import {Tabs} from 'antd';
const TabPane = Tabs.TabPane;


<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1">
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1">

The *first* line.

The second line.
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" disabled key="2">
Disabled tab.
<TabPane tab="Tab 3" key="3">

Another line.

cd my-project


Which will produce:

The first line.

The second line.

Import and embed one MDX document into another

MDX documents compile to React components, which could be imported and reused in other JS files using standard import syntax. Or, in a similar fashion, they could be embedded in other MDX documents. Quite convenient, when some chunks of text could be useful in multiple places. For example, code snippets from an API reference could be reused to illustrate blog posts.

A snippet demonstrating how to import markdown in other MDX or JS files. In MDX, import statements must be inserted in the beginning, right after the frontmatter

import Chart from 'content/snippets/main/chart'

