A snippet with a custom Babel configuration. An import plugin is used for both Ant Design and project components

// a custom Babel configuration file (.babelrc)
    "presets": [
        [ //first specify a gatsby preset
                "targets": { // old browsers support
                    "browsers": [">0.25%", "not dead"],
    "plugins":[ // short import syntax for Ant Design and project components
        ["import", { "libraryName": "antd", "libraryDirectory": "lib", "style": true}, "ant"],
        ["import", { "libraryName": "actb", "libraryDirectory": "src/components"}, "actb"],

Similar configuration options were used to support the same import style for both Ant Design and the project itself. Thanks to this, an import of the form import {Logo} from "actb" under the hood is transformed to import Logo from "actb/src/components/logo", and shorter imports become possible:

// succinct import for antd components
import {Button, Icon} from "antd";
// and for project components (assuming an "actb" alias is defined)
import {Mdx, Logo} from "actb";